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ARTICLE : 3406
Dental Bleach PRO
Dental Bleach PRO
Dental Bleach PRO
Dental Bleach PRO

Dental Bleach PRO

Designed for printing long-term temporary crown and bridge models in Bleach shade.

VAT incl.
1 kg
0,5 kg
1 kg
0,5 kg
VAT incl.


Before buying please read what post-processing is required due your device.
Dental Bleach is a resin with PMMA-type ceramic micro filling, made of biocompatible raw materials. It has high durability and high tensile strength, resistant to mechanical and chemical effects. Recommended for printing models of temporary crowns and bridges. The slight odor and lack of hazardous monomers allow for using it even in a small room.


  • Opaque liquid Appearance
  • Bleach Color
  • 96 ± 3 Hardness Shore D
  • Weak odor Odor
  • <0,5% Shrinkage
  • 3200 ± 200 MPa Elastic modulus
  • 600-1200 mPa·s Viscosity according to Brookfield
  • 4.1 ± 1.1% Elongation at break




Resin does not contain solvents and volatile monomers, irritating compounds. No fumes, odor and allergic reaction. Сan be used in lab or even at home



Produced from biocompatible raw material used in photopolymer teeth fillings. Meets the standard ISO 10993



Pigments and fillers are well stabilized, no sedimentation and flocculation occur ang no foam appears

                        Low shrinkage

Low shrinkage

Shrinkage less than 0.5% gives you the same size like 3D model on your computer and it doesn’t change size after postcuring



Biocompatibility was confirmed by the third-party laboratories. Material was successfully tested in accordance with ISO 10993 with the provision of the MA No. RZN 2020/12007

                        Stable color

Stable color

Depending on postcuring condition. Bleach color is achievable. It is stable for a long time even in aggressive media

                        Unique mechanical properties

Unique mechanical properties

Very high hardness, tensile strength, abrasion and scratch resistance due to ceramic fillers




Material Technical Data Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet
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