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About the program

What is harz labs
test program?

Before our resins enter the main product line, they go through the stage of open (beta) testing. This program allows you to become a tester and help us improve the properties of the resins based on your feedback. There are open and closed test resins. The resins from open test can be purchased directly from our website (products - test materials). However, the resins from closed test can only be obtained after filling out a form (at the end of the article) and further discussion with a manager.

Test materials are in the developing stage, so they may be imperfect and subject to change until they are finished.

Who can become a tester?

A 3D printing specialist or company can participate in the program if they use photopolymer 3D printing in their professional work and have validated devices for post-processing. Additionally, they need to have competencies aligned with the intended use of the material they want to test.


Testers receive non-commercial access to our newest samples.

How much it costs?

It's absolutely free.

Is there a reward?

No, this program is voluntary.

Where to send a feedback?

A feedback you should send to your manager. The manager will also advise you on customizing, post-processing and all the features of working with the material.

Ok, I am in, what do I do next?

Press the button and fill out the form. After that, our manager will contact you to confirm participation in the program. Fill the form

Material Color Special characteristics Intended use
Silicone-like Black Black Silicone-like material For printing engineering products with mechanical properties close to the properties of injection-molded polypropylene
Industrial Rigid Clear Clear Increased chemical resistance For printing engineering products working in aggressive chemical environment
Dental Denture Base Pink Long service life For printing long term denture base models
Dental Denture Base Soft Pink Long service life For printing long term partial denture base models
Dental Cast 2.0 Cherry Ashless For printing castable models
Glaze LT Clear Long service life For covering temporary crown and bridge models
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